Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This is a story that I read a few years ago, it is one of my favorite. It was written by John Fischer, it was an article on the Purpose Driven Life web site.

How do you know when you are working for God? You get tired, you burn out, or the opposite, you become very successful and start taking pride in your success. You begin repeating what works over and over again because you found a formula that will work regardless. This is what the Bible calls "Walking in the flesh" and, in spite of how good it looks, it will burn up in the end like a big pile of dry wood.

So, how do you know if you are dealing with the success of God's power. You are at risk, you are Johnny on the spot, you are in way over your head, you are not completely sure what you are doing and you are acutely aware of your own weaknesses; you have ventured into a place where if God dosen't show up, you are a dead duck. Believe it or not, this is what the Bible calls, "Walking in the Spirit." (Don't you love it?)

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